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Revista de Enfermagem Referencia ; 2022(1), 2022.
Article in English, Portuguese | Scopus | ID: covidwho-2256030


Background: COVID-19 is an acute respiratory illness caused by a novel human coronavirus. Due to the accelerated spread of the virus, health authorities have advocated social distancing. Homeless people have difficulties meeting this requirement due to a lack of access to fundamental rights such as housing, education, and health. The epistemological bases of nursing theories contribute to under-pinning the care provided to these people. Objective: To reflect on the health care of the homeless population during the COVID-19 pandemic in light of five nursing theories. Main topics under analysis: The theories of Nightingale, Roy, Horta, Peplau, and Henderson have care approaches focused on the basic needs of homeless people who require immediate interventions due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusion: Nursing theories provide scientific support to caring for the homeless population based on physical, biological, and social aspects through intersectoral partnerships that can promote care during and after the pandemic. © 2022, Escola Superior de Enfermagem de Coimbra. All rights reserved.

Gragoata-Uff ; 26(56):1312-1347, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1436495


In the digital turn, when knowledge is considered ubiquitous (COPE;KALANTZIS, 2009) and learning outside of school is permanent, what knowledge can formal education offer? Despite the presence of the digital infrastructure for more than three decades, educational institutions find themselves unprepared and outdated to resume teaching on digital learning environments during the social isolation caused by the COVID pandemic. The article is a narrative of experience on the CGScholar educational platform during remote teaching, at a public university, and reflects on the deconstruction of some of the truths of modernity on subjects, language, text, education and citizenship, through the decolonial practices of subjectification (BIESTA, 2020), the methodology of ecology of knowledges (SANTOS, 2012) and a rhizomatic multimodal writing (DELEUZE;GUATTARI, 1995). The research on these decolonial gestures on the digital medium does not seek to introduce new truths through the glorification of technology as the only solution to the problems that plague public education, but the possibility of transforming, through writing, our knowledge in relation to possible exchanges in an educational platform.

Humanidades & Inovacao ; 8(44):139-147, 2021.
Article in Portuguese | Web of Science | ID: covidwho-1431548


Introduction: The SARS-COV2 pandemic will leave traces in our society. Lives, both personal and professional, will suffer the consequences of this time for a significant period of life. The flexibility of social isolation, promotes the need for actions for the safe resumption of business activities, providing care that ensures the well-being and safety of employees. In this context, the study intends to collaborate with managers in the dissemination of procedures that can form a security protocol that allows corporate action in the "new corporate normal". Methodological Procedures: Based on an applied research, using the action research strategy, bibliographic review and highlighting the Diagnosis of environments (AD);Workforce assessment (AFT) on resumption of activities and Physical implementation of environmental sanitation solutions Expected Results: The study allowed the structuring of an AD and AFT protocol for the resumption of organizational activities with Safety, Health and Quality of Life, mitigating the possible cost of health costs and collaborating with innovative methodologies in population health management. General Considerations: In this new pandemic scenario, some immediate and perhaps innovative measures should be taken. It is believed that these measures, if conducted correctly, will not only promote immediate results around the work of employees in relation to Health and Quality of life. Based on this method indicated for returning to work, it will be up to companies to use the implementation of an information system so that the managers of each company monitor risk management and health promotion programs.

Coronavirus infections Education in health Methodological research in nursing Protective equipment Validation study ; 2021(Texto e Contexto Enfermagem)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1341550


Objective: to describe the process for the elaboration and validation of a digital educational booklet intended for health professionals on the correct use of Personal Protective Equipment in the context of COVID-19. Method: a methodological study conducted between June and September 2020, operationalized in three stages: 1st stage: bibliographic survey;2nd stage: elaboration of the booklet with the graphic designer to help in the development process of the technology;3rd stage: content validation of the booklet by specialists through the Delphi technique. The validation was performed by 35 health and biology professionals and the local for selection of these was the Lattes Platform, using the Delphi technique in two rounds. The Content Validation Index was considered an acceptance criterion, with an agreement ≥ 0.78 among the judges being considered a good level. Results: the first version of the booklet obtained a global Content Validation Index of 0.79. There were suggestions for improvement that were accepted and, after the Delphi 2 phase, there was the resubmission of the booklet;it presented a global Content Validation Index of 0.99. Conclusion: the booklet was validated regarding its content and is compatible with its intended purpose, being important for the promotion of knowledge about the correct procedure to put on this equipment so that prevention measures are effective and shared. © 2021, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. All rights reserved.

Lévy, P., (1999) Cibercultura, , Säo Paulo: Editora 34 ; Instagram Light technology in mental healthcare Pandemic Storytelling;Lisboa, N.A., Santos, S.F., Lima, E.I., A importància das tecnologias leves no processo de cuidar na atençâo primària em saúde (2017) Textura, 10 (19), pp. 164-171. ,, M.C., Curadoria educativa: Inventando conversas (2006) Reflexâo e Açâo, 14 (1), pp. 9-27)(Psicologia e Sociedade): Avendaño, A.C., Umbelino, T., (2020) Contadores de histórias de Brasília promovem lives literárias na internet Durante a pandemia, contadores de histórias. Correio Braziliense, ,,848594/, (27 de abril). Brasília, DF Recuperado de, Oliveira, E.C.S., Rocha, K.A., Sobre cafundós, confins, fronteiras: Contaçôes de histórias sobre diversidade sexual (2016) Psicologia & Sociedade, 28 (1), pp. 94-104. ,
Article in Paiva L.G. (2011) ptemaesra Vestir Säo Paulo: estaçâo das Letras e Cores | Scopus | ID: covidwho-858633


This article aims to analyze the contributions of the storytelling to mental health in the context of the Covid-19 pandemic. It is an intervention-research that places this story device as light health technology. It is committed to reduce distances, create bridges between people through investment in bonding and welcoming. Storytelling articulates literature and psychology, and is part of the toolbox that is necessary for the activation of expressive psychic forces of affections in the current scenario. The research database can be designated as a bank of stories that undergo a curatorial process, which is a fundamental methodology for linking topics covered in the stories and posting them on the project's Instagram. The videotaped stories were analyzed from mutual-care practices and the context-affection-text semantic nuclei, with emphasis on the contents of memory and death. The reactions of Instagram followers express affectionate messages to the storytellers. © 2020.

adult |asthma |contamination |coronavirus disease 2019 |cytotoxicity |epidemic |exercise |female |gene expression |high risk population |human |immune system |immunomodulation |inflammation |male |Medline |muscle training |nonhuman |pandemic |prevention |protein expression |respiratory tract infection |review |Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 |systematic review |angiotensin converting enzyme 2 |endogenous compound ; 2022(Motriz. Revista de Educacao Fisica): L2019460397,
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1968896


Aim: To show the possible immunologic pathways of protection for asthmatics against infection of Covid- 19 through the capacity of recognition and cytotoxicity to eliminate pathogens improved by regular exercise aerobic. Methods: The bibliographic search was conducted on the following databases: Pubmed/Medline, Scielo, and Scholar Google from 2020 to 2021. The following keywords and Boolean operators were used: asthma, aerobic training (AT), immune system, and Covid-19. Results: After the screening, 349 were initially found, after evaluation only 20 studies had all criteria. Twelve studies showed that AT induces changes in the immune system with a reduction of inflammation. In complement, the literature showed an innate pathway that improves immune function against COVID-19 by reducing angiotensin-converting enzyme 2 (ACE2) in the lung, which seems to hinder the multiplication of the COVID-19 virus in the lung. Apparently, asthmatics patients are less susceptible to respiratory infection caused by COVID-19 because they have low levels of ACE2. Furthermore, trained asthmatics showed a lower risk of infection for SARS-CoV-2. Conclusion: The findings reported that asthmatics people can benefit from AT, and these individuals seem not to be a risk group for covid-19 because they have low levels of ACE2 protein. Taken together, this review reinforces the importance of asthmatic patients be physically active throughout their lifetime, but specially during the pandemic to prevent contamination by SARS-CoV-2.

Covid-19 |Nursing process |Nursing theory |Standardized terminology in nursing |Validation study ; 2022(Texto e Contexto Enfermagem)
Article | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-2140996


Objectives: to develop a terminological subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice (ICNP) for people with covid-19 sequelae.® Method: methodological study, which followed the steps: Identification of the relevant terms contained in the literature related to Covid-19 sequelae;Cross-mapping of the terms identified in the review with the terms of the classification;Construction of the statements of diagnoses, outcomes and nursing interventions and mapping of the constructed statements;Content validation of the statements by specialist nurses;and Structuring of the subset based on Roy’s Adaptation Model. For data analysis, the Content Validity Index was used, and the statements with Content Validity Index were validated ≥ 0.80. Content validation was performed by 28 specialist nurses. Results: 178 statements of nursing diagnoses/outcomes were constructed, with 450 nursing intervention statements. After content validation, a quantity of 127 diagnoses/outcomes and 148 nursing interventions were obtained, which comprised the terminological subset proposed in the study. Conclusion: the validated statements that make up the terminological subset with greater predominance were those outlines in the physiological adaptive mode. However, the repercussions on the spiritual, social and personal dimensions are also highlighted. © 2022, Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. All rights reserved.

COVID-19 |Coronavirus infections |Disease prevention |Nursing theory |Occupational stress |Pandemics |perceptions |behaviors |Nursing ; 2021(Acta Paulista De Enfermagem)
Article in English | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1675680


Objective: To identify occupational stressors in healthcare professionals and interventions focused on prevention in the context of COVID-19, based on betty Neuman's systems model. Method: A literature review was conducted with the scoping review method, according to Joanna Briggs Institute in the databases The Cochrane Library, Scopus, Web of Science, National Library of Medicine (MEDLINE/PubMed), The Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health Literature (CINAHL) and Latin American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences (LILACS). Studies related to stressors and interventions aimed at prevention in the face of occupational stress in healthcare professionals in the context of COVID-19, published in any language and available, in full, free of charge were included. Data were analyzed in the light of Betty Neuman's Theory. Results: The final sample consisted of 27 articles. The stressors identified were categorized into intrapersonal: fear of contagion and restricted knowledge of the disease;interpersonal: change in social relationships and fear of transmission to family members, experiencing the illness of colleagues and family members and loss of loved ones;inadequate health system and work overload. Interventions focused on prevention were indexed according to the level of primary, secondary and tertiary healthcare. Conclusion: Most studies have emphasized primary prevention measures. The use of the theoretical framework will allow nurses and health managers to make decisions and develop future interventions for the management of occupational stress of professionals who deal daily with COVID-19.

Coronavirus Infections Nursing Care Nursing Process Standardized Nursing Terminology Classification Nursing ; 2021(Revista Da Escola De Enfermagem Da Usp)
Article in ISI Document delivery No.: XB4CI Times Cited: 0 Cited Reference Count: 30 de Menzes Harlon franca Moura Jessica Lima de Oliveira Sylvia Silva Fonseca Mizhelle carneiro Ferreira de Sousa Paulinor Artr Rosendo da Silva Rizhardson Augusto | WHO COVID | ID: covidwho-1538262


Objective: To develop and validate a terminological subset of the International Classification for Nursing Practice for COVID-19 patients in critical care. Method: This is a methodological study, which followed the guidelines of the Brazilian method, using the Basic Human Needs as a theoretical model. Content validation was performed by 25 specialist nurses using the Delphi technique. Results: A total of 73 diagnoses and their respective nursing results were prepared. Of these, 62 statements had a Content Validity Index >-0.80, with the need for oxygenation having the highest number of statements. Of the 210 nursing interventions developed, and after suggestions from experts, 150 interventions reached an index >-0.80 and comprised the terminological subset. Conclusion: The terminological subset developed showed statements that were validated by specialist nurses and, therefore, are relevant to the nurse's clinic in the critical care scenario associated with Covid-19.